Renaming the Park Located at Tatnall Street and 24th Street Presently Known as the "Tatnall Playground" to "One Love Park"
Approving the Disposition of 528 South Claymont Street to Neighborhood House for a Southbridge Community Garden
Rezone the Property Comprising the Former Wilmington Finishing Company Site from C-6 (Special Commercial District) to W-4 (Waterfront Residential Commercial District) and R-1 (One-Family Detached Dwellings) Zoning Classification
Authorize the Issuance of the City’s General Obligation Bonds or General Obligation Anticipation Note, In Order to Provide the Funds Necessary to Finance the Street Paving and Reconstruction of Various Streets and Roadways Located within the City Limits; Providing for the Sale of the Bonds or the Note; and Authorizing Other Necessary Action
Supporting the Delaware Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation Act and Encourage the Delaware General Assembly to Vote to Approve the Act
Supporting House Bill No. 134 to Amend the Delaware Code Regarding to the Expungement of Adult Arrest Records
Renaming the Park Located at Tatnall Street and 24th Street Presently Known as the "Tatnall Playground" to "One Love Park"
Approving the Disposition of 528 South Claymont Street to Neighborhood House for a Southbridge Community Garden
Rezone the Property Comprising the Former Wilmington Finishing Company Site from C-6 (Special Commercial District) to W-4 (Waterfront Residential Commercial District) and R-1 (One-Family Detached Dwellings) Zoning Classification
Authorize the Issuance of the City’s General Obligation Bonds or General Obligation Anticipation Note, In Order to Provide the Funds Necessary to Finance the Street Paving and Reconstruction of Various Streets and Roadways Located within the City Limits; Providing for the Sale of the Bonds or the Note; and Authorizing Other Necessary Action
Supporting the Delaware Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation Act and Encourage the Delaware General Assembly to Vote to Approve the Act
Supporting House Bill No. 134 to Amend the Delaware Code Regarding to the Expungement of Adult Arrest Records