Presentation by Dave Gula of WILMAPCO and John Sisson of the Delaware Transit Corporation on the following: 1. Wilmington Transit Moving Forward Process 2. Rodney Square Improvements 3. Operational Analysis 4. 4th Street Transit Corridor 5. Bus Stop Shelter Prototype 6. Traffic Analysis 7. Orange Street Two-way Conversion 8. Tatnall St. Bus Holdover Site 9. Wilmington Transit Center (Porter Site/Hertz rent a car near train station)
Discuss a Resolution urging the Wilmington Parking Authority to rename the authority after William “Dutch” Burton, or take other appropriate action
Presentation by Dave Gula of WILMAPCO and John Sisson of the Delaware Transit Corporation on the following: 1. Wilmington Transit Moving Forward Process 2. Rodney Square Improvements 3. Operational Analysis 4. 4th Street Transit Corridor 5. Bus Stop Shelter Prototype 6. Traffic Analysis 7. Orange Street Two-way Conversion 8. Tatnall St. Bus Holdover Site 9. Wilmington Transit Center (Porter Site/Hertz rent a car near train station)
Discuss a Resolution urging the Wilmington Parking Authority to rename the authority after William “Dutch” Burton, or take other appropriate action